Your Monthly Horoscope

Star Signs

GRAPHIC | Tara Espinoza

*Editors note, horoscopes are not to be taken seriously.

This week started off strong in astrology with the moon moving into Gemini on January 30th. The moon will spend most of the week there, moving into Cancer after 3:11 pm on February 1. The moon in its Gemini transit will encourage interactivity, connection, and creativity among all the signs. Venus also began its transit into Pisces on January 26th. Mercury left the retrograde that it was in from October 30th until January 12th, staying in Gemini and extending its stay until March 25th. Each of these events impact each zodiac sign individually. Want to know how these affect you? Read your horoscope below.

Aries (March 21- April 19)

You might be feeling weighed down or have something you need to get off your chest. Reflect on this, trust your intuition and share any concerns you may find with those closest to you. Communicate well to spark intellectual conversations and newfound energy in your relationship.

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

A more sensitive version of yourself is appearing this week. Take value in yourself and your position with friends instead of questioning it. Don’t let societal standards or material goods discourage you from seeing your self worth. Lean on friends and your goals to motivate and comfort you this week.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

This work week becomes monotonous for you. Your aspirations in work could be disregarded by superiors and cause you to feel drained. However, social interactions will carry your energy this week if you make time for it. Plan coffee with a friend or a weekend activity to feel more in touch with yourself and your vitality

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Your start to this week felt a lack in energy and groundedness. Spend time with yourself to find peace and energy. Relationships could become a roadblock to this essential healing for yourself. Go with your gut when dealing with these realizations. Reflect and trust yourself in manners of love and spirituality.

Leo (July 23- August 22)

This week holds a great deal of change for Leo. A transformation is going to begin in your life and your passions. While this seems exciting, it can also be emotionally draining and take a toll on your energy. However, your close circle will recognize and will gather around to protect and support you through this process.

Virgo (August 23- September 22)

Your focus might be shifted towards your friends and your outward behavior this week. Don’t get caught up in the red tape of social interactions. Take value in yourself and you will find social success. Trust yourself and watch your natural curiosity and playfulness flourish.

Libra (September 23- October 22)

This week has caused a lot of emotion for Libra. Everyday life has become dull and a loss of your typical energy has been noted. Deviate from your daily work to do something ambitious in order to break the monotony. An adventure is needed to refresh yourself and your playful personality.

Scorpio (October 23- November 21)

A focus on creativity and recreation is in the forecast for Scorpio. Lean into your hobbies this week. You might have had a dry season with your creativity, but you will find passion once more in the things you enjoy. Make time to focus on your passions and you will see a newly developed liveliness.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)

You might be feeling homesick this week. Emotions are high with family and home. You could even say you feel without roots this week. Although not family, there is merit in your close friends and classmates. You will benefit from correspondence and transparency within these relations.

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)

Your close circle might feel suffocating this week. With the squaring of Mars in Gemini and Venus in Pisces you will be feeling closed off and sensitive. The best way to shake this is by being clear with your close environment. Take time for yourself and your studies. By the end of the week, curiosity and intellect will take precedence in your attitude.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Communication will be a weak point for Aquarius this week. Avoid getting political and instead practice understanding and compassion. Don’t get too caught up in the rocky beginning of the week and make sure to go easy on yourself. To clear your head, focus on getting creative and enjoying your passions. Making time for yourself in these scenarios will be very beneficial.

Pisces (February 19- March 20)

Self care needs to be prioritized this week. Venus in Pisces means you are most directly affected in terms of love, demeanor, and energy. Self reflect in order to diminish sensitivity and connect to your roots. Doing so will generate vitality and ambition for your passions and provide a clear mind in relations.