Feature Goodbye From Senior Webmaster PHOTO | Johnan Mitchell When I got on the Arka Tech team as the Web Master, I didn’t know what to expect. If anything, I’d’ve thought I… April 14, 2023 by : Avery Harrah
Feature Goodbye From Senior Editorial Writer PHOTO | Trinity Lisk My name is Trinity Lisk and I have written for The Arka Tech all three years that I have been in college. For… April 14, 2023 by : Trinity Lisk
Feature Goodbye From the Layout Designer PHOTO | Jackson Toney When I transferred to Arkansas Tech last spring, I saw a poster in Witherspoon advertising the Arka Tech. Although the poster made me… April 14, 2023 by : Brooklyn Russell
Opinions Until Our Reunion: This Is Your EIC Signing Off “Goodbye” is the saddest word in any language. It holds a myriad of connotations and none of them are bright and cheery, that is until I discovered… April 16, 2020 by : Shelby Arnold