SG”Hey There!”



SGA held its first town hall meeting Feb 15 discussing plans for the new student union. The plans were presented by Dr. Keegan Nichols, Associate Dean Chelsea Neal and FAMA director Drew Dickey, and showed floor plans

SGA discussed how to spend its budget for the semester. Senator John Hiland and Secretary Breckyn Ballard proposed adding a “Gaga Ball” arena to campus with SGA funds. If you have any ideas on how to spend SGA funds, please contact Secretary Ballard at [email protected].

Secretary Allie Beth King is taking suggestions on what local businesses to be included in the ATU student discount program. For suggestions, please contact her at [email protected].

SGA welcomed new senators Allie Davis, Gracie Harris, Braden Jones, Maggie Hemmert, Layne Lawson, Maysie Morgan, Janniebeth Melendez and Blakely Baker to the Senate.

The Arkansas Tech University Student Government Association is dedicated to representing the student body. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact [email protected].

Elli White, Secretary of Student Development.