Quote From Coach Kera Dukic

Golden Suns Volleyball Team

PHOTO | Tara Espinoza

The Golden Suns volleyball team is the 2021 conference champions, and now they are in their off-season. What does the team do when they are not playing? I checked in with head coach Kera Dukic to find out. 

“It is a combination of strength and conditioning, team bonding, and the refinement of individual and team skills. The ladies are hard at work every single morning, and I’m so proud of the work they’re putting in. They also earn at least 10 hours a month of community service on top of working hard in the classroom. Spring is when they typically have a heavier academic load since we aren’t traveling as much. This time of year is imperative to our success as a team in the Fall, and I think that the team does an excellent job of holding each other accountable every single day.”