PHOTO | @spectrum_atu
Arkansas Tech University’s Pride Walk tradition has finally returned for 2022. The organization, SPECTRUM, has been put off the past few years due to the pandemic and is excited to reinstate and host this yearly event. They will be gathering at Hindsman Bell Tower on April 7 at 6 p.m. for the walk.
“This event is about being seen. It brings empowerment to surround others and ourselves with people like us. There is always a great sense of strength and community during the walk. We do this walk so that fellow students know there are other queer students backing them up and businesses supporting them,” said Teddy Robertson, president of SPECTRUM. “This is one of our biggest events of the year, alongside our drag show held each fall.”
Anyone interested in participating is welcome to join. Public Safety will escort participants during the walk, and it will be completed within campus grounds. After the walk, those who participate will be able to enjoy speeches given by Dr. Quin Brooks, the assistant dean for diversity and inclusion; Stacy Galbo, assistant dean for student conduct; and Teddy Robertson. Jerry, the bulldog, will also be present after the event to hang out and provide photo opportunities. To make the event as fun as possible, SPECTRUM also provides opportunities for free merchandise and multiple raffles and giveaways. In addition to this, there will be 25 businesses tabling the event.
“Our pride walks were much small in the past due to limitations regarding who was willing to table the event and the lack of queer-inclusive organizations. However, this year we are more hopeful. We are anticipating campus participation to increase and for a bigger turnout overall. Since we could not hold this event during the pandemic, we had to adapt and instead did a pride week. It was fun, but it wasn’t the same as having the spirit of communion that the pride walk can bring,” said Robertson.
SPECTRUM stands for sexuality, pride, education, committee, truth, respect, unity, and myself. This organization was established at Arkansas Tech in 2010 and had been growing its community ever since. If one is interested in becoming a member of the organization, they hold meetings every Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. in Rothwell 212. For more information, you can follow them on their Instagram page “@spectrum_atu” or e-mail them at [email protected].