PHOTO | Cal Reeves you always talked about that wolf in your dream catcher how he appeared in every dream he saved you, met your every…
PHOTO | Tim Dennell On Feb. 24, 2022, Russian president Vladimir Putin officially declared the start of a Russian invasion on Ukraine, marking the first war Europe…
PHOTO | Tara Espinoza Previously… …I start to tremble. What if Dante’s not trying to scare us? I got to the back door and noticed it…
INFOGRAPHIC | Tara Espinoza After nearly six years of fighting for equal pay, the USWNT and U.S. Soccer settled their equal pay lawsuit on Feb 22. Moving…
PHOTO | Tara Espinoza The Golden Suns basketball team advanced to the GAC Tournament, and we have thoughts from head coach Dave Wilbers. “The team is excited…
PHOTO | Tennyson Douglas Patrick Miner is a baseball player who started at Tech five years ago. He found success in hitting but took the time to…
PHOTO | Pete Unwer It has been over two years since Williamson Hall caught fire in April of 2019. While the building itself was not completely destroyed…
- March 5, 2022
- by : Tanner Gill
PHOTO | Tara Espinoza The first annual Admitted2ATU is slated for March 17, and will act as the last major event for high school students committed to…
PHOTO | Tara Espinoza The Choral Artists of Tech hosted a preview concert featuring Russellville high school and the Kansas State University choirs. The preview was in…
The seventh annual International Film Festival is underway on campus. Starting on March 2 and lasting through March 17, eight films in four different languages will…