Do You Still Dream Of Me?

'Do You Still Dream Of Me?' Photo

PHOTO | Cal Reeves

you always talked about 

that wolf in your dream catcher 

how he appeared in every dream


he saved you, met your every need

you asked me, “what’s this mean?”


and i never would’ve told you the truth


you thought it was some guy,

that he’d come and save you 

but i‘ll tell you what i think 


that it was me


because i was there 

in your darkest times

i’d be the one you’d texted

when you were out of your mind


i’d be there every time, on the other line


is that wolf still in your dreams

do you still think of me


because i still pray for you 

still think of you from far away


is that wolf still in your dreams

protecting you as i’m getting clean


because i still dream of you


Do you still dream of me?

Do you still think of me?


you may be dead to me

but you’re alive in my memories

i may be dead to you

but i bet i’m still alive in your brain too


is that wolf still in your dreams

do you still think of me


because i still pray for you 

still think of you from far away


is that wolf still in your dreams

protecting you as i’m getting clean


because i still dream of you


Do you still dream of me?

Do you still think of me?


oh, i still dream of you

even though i don’t want to

i’ll bet you still dream of me

i’ll bet i haunt you