Goodbye From the Layout Designer

Brooklyn Russell

PHOTO | Jackson Toney

When I transferred to Arkansas Tech last spring, I saw a poster in Witherspoon advertising the Arka Tech. Although the poster made me very excited to apply, I anxiously procrastinated doing so until March. At my very first staff meeting,I was welcomed with open arms and my anxiety eased swiftly. By the time I left, I already felt like part of the family.

Over the past year, I have spent countless hours piecing together each paper alongside Avery Harrah, Tara Espinoza, and Johnan Mitchell. Each week, I was challenged creatively to design a new layout that incorporated the unique events happening on campus.

Both the challenge of the work and the people I worked alongside have made the Arka Tech such a special time in my college career. I loved working for Arka Tech and my only regret is that I didn’t apply sooner. I will cherish the memories and friends made along the way forever.